Friday, March 5, 2010

To research for my walk animation I did several things. Firstly I did several life drawing sessions. Some were examinations of form and structure
Others tested my results under abnormal circumstances like drawing left handed or from memory

Other drawings were taken from public places
I also took photographs for reference

And finally I made videos of myself

I also watched a lot of other videos looking for inspiration. The video that gave me the idea for the little girl pretending to be a monster walk was a French student film called Pandore

Here is the animation. There are some errors, most obviously there are no inbetweens. This is because of my own carelessness. I did not check that it was working during the entire process, and by the time I came to put them in I found that it made the animation look terrible, and it was too late to start again, which is what would have been necessary. I like the overall look however.

The idea of the animation was a twist on my two dimensional walk, which was a weighty monstrous walk, I decided to do a similar walk using the rig of a little girl, so there is much less weight and it is much more playful.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

2D Ball with tail

3D Ball with tail

Perspective walk in 2D

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Some animations

I don't know the name of this one
Inka Bola
Trichrome Blue
She she she she's a bombshell
Granny O'Grimm

Some of these are student films and some of these are professional shorts.
This is that animation I like for sure.

I like to watch that one.

First Post

This is obviously going to be pretty amazing. I'm going to use this to put stuff about animation and drawings and research and stuff. It's pretty pro.